
Showing posts from October, 2014

break a breakie

morning is my favorite time of day, kalau saja enggak harus grabak grubuk antara nyiapin kakak sekolah atau mengasuh adek yang pagi pagi (seringnya) cranky.  sarapan, juga waktu makan yang paling disuka. karena itu, kalau lagi lengang, mood oke dan persediaan makanan di kulkas lengkap, saya suka lebih 'usaha' bikin sarapan :D ... enggak cuma roti oles nutella :p 

lyfe, lately.

sejak titan masuk sd, memang ada perubahan yang besar yang saya dan ariawan lakukan terhadap pola pengasuhan. yaitu, membiarkan dia memilih dan mengenal konsekuensi. jangan pernah konsekuensi itu harus ditanggung orang lain alias ngerepotin orang lain. kita, orang tua, hanya memberitahu mana yang benar dan mana yang salah. sisanya, dia harus lakukan sendiri. sekarang, titan sudah kelas dua. berarti sudah dua tahun perjalanan memperkenalkan dia jadi anak yang bisa bertanggung jawab dengan dirinya sendiri. kita belum berhasil, saya harus bilang itu. tapi ini adalah proses dan kita, terutama saya, masih nabrak-nabrak juga dalam praktek sehari-harinya. kenapa dimulai sejak sd? karena kita merasa seorang anak kalau sudah sekolah itu sebenarnya sudah mengerti tentang peraturan, tentang kewajiban, tentang orang lain. logikanya sudah berjalan. karena itu, mereka suka nyambung-nyambungin sendiri (connect the dots) yang kadang-kadang, nyambunginnya ya masih salah. nah, di situlah peran orang

learning style

why do we have different learning styles? because each people has different brain. different size, different capacity, different connections amongst its nerves. this post was inspired by malicca, my second grader who has hard time taking orders and listen to his mom. me. maybe, because he is in the phase of being rebellious. this shall pass, some said. okay, that was the shortest and easiest answer a parent can make. but what if it is not? what if he is just being ... him? and the phase would not be a phase but be a forever and ever? then i start to ponder what have gone wrong. after a few cups of coffee and lots and lots and lots of this jaw of mine did its exercise *read: munching* ... well, maybe, i have treated him the wrong way. maybe i did not clear enough. or blame my tone of voice that is a bit cartoony. or maybe i talked too much. or maybe he did not understand the words i use. or maybe he is overload with all the distractions around him. or maybe he was thinking of h

i am NOT a baby

i have this bad attitude: forgot to bring my towel when i take shower. and so was today. luckily, there was malicca in the bed room. playing minecraft, like what he always do at late afternoon. me: malicca, would you give a hand? him: yes, what can i help bunda? me: would you please please get my towel? i forgot to bring it in *feeling guilty as charged* him: okay (then he handed me the towel a few seconds later) me: thank you so much, baby. him: i am not a baby. me: oh, what are you then? him: i am a BIG BIG BIG boy. me: oh, okay ... *sad*


it has been a while since i last post malicca's drawings for me....