
Showing posts from May, 2012

Sang Penjaga

"Aku sudah memaafkanmu."Kata perempuan itu. Dan saat itu juga, sebuah pintu entah dari mana datangnya tiba-tiba menganga. Lalu menyemburlah bias-bias cahaya yang mendesing beribu sumpah serapah kepada laki-laki di seberang perempuan itu. Malam itu begitu gelap. Tidak terdengar apa-apa selain derap suara kaki kuda yang sayup-sayup terdengar di kejauhan, namun tidak pernah terlihat wujudnya. Jalan di depan begitu sempit dan tertutup dengan pasir serta rerumputan kering yang merunduk seolah tergilas oleh kereta-kereta kuda yang tak pernah terlihat itu. Setiap kita menghembus nafas, asap kabut mengepul seolah malam itu begitu dingin. Kadang aku menggigil, tapi karena takut. Kutemukan diriku berkeringat, bukan karena langkahku yang menderu; tapi karena dadaku yang berdentam begitu kencang. Pernahkah kamu mendengar tentang penjaga perempuan? Bukan, bukan perempuan penjaga. Perempuan penjaga, yang aku tahu, begitu cantik rupanya. Ia menjaga setiap insan di dunia. Dialah ibunda,

To punish or not to punish

“Is it important to make someone feel punished? Or is it more important for them to solve the mistake he or she has done?” For kids, doing mistake is a very common thing. Spill over milk, played with your favorite bubble bath, treated your perfume like a room freshener, or simply disobeyed you. Many more things I don’t need to describe, I guess. Yeah, … those things that stood you up :) For us, their parent, sometimes those were not only mistakes. Those were also things that stood us up. Many times, they were the reasons why we gave punishment to our kids. Reasons why we gave them Time Outs, grounded them for no chocolate or candies, to stay in their room or no TV. I hope none of us ever hit our kids just because. I was included on those who gave Time Outs to my son, even though I tried to be democratic by letting him pick the spot. But then I learned that giving Time Outs (or maybe any other form of punishments) was useless. They did not bring my child to higher level in lear

To punish or not to punish

“How important is it to make someone feel punished? Or is it more important for them to solve the mistake he or she has done?" For kids, doing mistake is a very common thing. Spill over milk, played with your favorite bubble bath, treated your perfume like a room freshener, or simply disobeyed you. Many more things I don’t need to describe, I guess. Yeah, … those things that stood you up :) For us, their parent, sometimes those were not only mistakes. Those were also things that stood us up. Many times, they were the reasons why we gave punishment to our kids. Reasons why we gave them Time Outs, grounded them for no chocolate or candies, to stay in their room or no TV. I hope none of us ever hit our kids just because. I was included on those who gave Time Outs to my son, even though I tried to be democratic by letting him pick the spot. But then I learned that giving Time Outs (or maybe any other form of punishments) was useless. They did not bring my child to higher level in lear

... me lately.

Going lacey... Loving flowers... Craving for cute stuffs.... ... and cook sometimes. Going lacey, loving flowers, craving for cute dining or tea set and cook sometimes. O, what is happening to me? :)

From the heart

I have been running this motherhood blog for about eight months, but never I wrote about myself. Since today is pretty breezy, work is not really piling up and I am quite in the mood,  ... I think its a good day to start sharing you of who I am. I am the mother of Malicca Titan, a boy who just hit 5 yesterday. I am basically an ordinary mother who is trying to be extra ordinary. But then I know, being a capable mother is way harder than being extraordinaire. I don't have any particular role model of parenting style. I just ask a lot, browse a lot, discuss alot and confirming alot. In the end, I take all the good parts that is suitable and doable for me and my son. My concept in parenting is simple: I want my son to know what he wants and be responsible of his decision. Having said that, my task as a parent should be simple too. That is to  give him as much choices as I can so he can scan all possibilities, think all the good and bad, rank the priorities, decide and take the consequ

Malicca mau lima

Dulu, suka gemes sendiri kalo denger cerita tentang seorang anak yang masih aja nyusahin orang tuanya. Beranggapan bahwa hubungan darah orang tua - anak bisa menjadi sangat netral dan objektif, nggak jarang aku suka berkomentar anak-anak yang menyusahkan orang tua tidak perlu dibela oleh orang tuanya itu sendiri. Tapi sekarang, aku kena tulahnya. Bukan karena Titan nyusahin, tapi lebih ke essens bahwa yang namanya orang tua memang tidak akan pernah bisa melewati edisi tergila-gila anaknya sendiri. Bagaimanapun, yang namanya orang tua ke anak teteeeeeeeeeup aja deh pastinya ngebelain dan mengagumi (walaupun terkadang dengan cara mereka sendiri yang kita tidak tahu). Dalam waktu kurang dari 8 jam, Titan akan genap berusia 5 tahun. Oh waw... another milestone nih. Masuk TK besar, masuk tahapan yang katanya anak mulai jarang sakit dan tahapan yang katanya tingkah polahnya bakal nyebelin dan memberontak. Untuk yang pertama dan kedua, mari kita amini ajah. Yang ke tiga? Ah, itu mah tergantun

Malicca mau lima

Dulu, suka gemes sendiri kalo denger cerita tentang seorang anak yang masih aja nyusahin orang tuanya. Beranggapan bahwa hubungan darah orang tua - anak bisa menjadi sangat netral dan objektif, nggak jarang aku suka berkomentar anak-anak yang menyusahkan orang tua tidak perlu dibela oleh orang tuanya itu sendiri. Tapi sekarang, aku kena tulahnya. Bukan karena Titan nyusahin, tapi lebih ke essens bahwa yang namanya orang tua memang tidak akan pernah bisa melewati edisi tergila-gila anaknya sendiri. Bagaimanapun, yang namanya orang tua ke anak teteeeeeeeeeup aja deh pastinya ngebelain dan mengagumi (walaupun terkadang dengan cara mereka sendiri yang kita tidak tahu). Dalam waktu kurang dari 8 jam, Titan akan genap berusia 5 tahun. Oh waw... another milestone nih. Masuk TK besar, masuk tahapan yang katanya anak mulai jarang sakit dan tahapan yang katanya tingkah polahnya bakal nyebelin dan memberontak. Untuk yang pertama dan kedua, mari kita amini ajah. Yang ke tiga? Ah, itu mah terga