
Showing posts from April, 2014

... until you become one.

to my children: you will never know how becoming a parent will make you stronger, until you are one. la luna, until you become a mother, you will not know how finger tips on your feet can be lengthened and be very flexible to reach things in the corner of the bed be it a pen, a warming oil, a hand towel, anything bigger or smaller, ... just to keep your baby calm while you are nursing her. until you become a mother, you do not know you can do juggling until you put your clothes on while nursing. you will also not know that you are even smarter than einstein until you realise you can easily tweak your brain to distract your baby and sneakily take things off her hands just to avoid her from choking or get suffocated. until you become a mother, you do not know how hurt it is to see your kids turn back on you. or pick their friends over you. and until you become a mother, you do not know that you are a superhero because you will always do anything to protect your children. until you become

thank you bubu, i love you

You gave me new perspective this is how ariawan make bed. i never did it before, pulling off the corner to the other side. not a big thing, but i kinda like it. You taught me small things that matter this is how ariawan rearranged things in the kitchen. he folded the kitchen cloth in such a way to become a table cloth. he also taught me that sea salt and kosher salt can help us tender the meat.  You fixed things in my life stairs to the second floor has been dark all along. he put a light on, and so i won't get stumble he said. and so malicca won't get scared if he has to go upstairs alone.  You gave enlightenment to  things I don't understand what happened every time i bake was that I have to pull off cables to get the lights on. here and there, sometimes malicca got stumbled because of the lying cable in the floor. as ariawan comes to my life, i got it all built-in.  You cooked for me ariawan is good with grilling and baking.

lagi waktunya

seringkali, timbul pertanyaan "gue ngapain aja sih? di rumah seharian tapi ini gak sempet, itu gak sempet?" ... terus terang sedih sih rasanya lupa mau ngerjain ini, lupa mau ngerjain itu, nggak sempet ngerjain ini dan itu. padahal banyak banget yang bisa diceritain yang seringkali muncul JUSTRU di saat-saat yang tidak memungkinkan untuk buka laptop. nah, mumpung sekarang jam 23:51 dan bocah-bocah sudah tertidur pulas, yuk marilah kita bercerita saja. jadi, sebenarnya saya jadi full time emak-emak ya baru dua bulan terakhir ini. risainnya memang dari bulan desember. tapi dalam periode tiga bulan mulai dari desember sampai februari saya tidak benar-benar sendirian, melainkan ada ariawan yang juga memutuskan untuk keluar dari tempat kerjanya dan bersama saya mengelola rumah tangga. praktis kehidupan kami selama tiga bulan itu kaya di film Cheaper by the dozen. bangun pagi, siapin sarapan, antar anak-anak sekolah, mandiin bayi, belanja mingguan, nyapu halaman, bertanam, me

what's in it for me?

hello again, long weekend! dan pagi ini saya janji main perang-perangan air di halaman belakang sama titan. tapi, saya bilang, setelah semua morning errands saya beres. selesai nyapu lantai atas, bawah, ngejemur cucian, saya cuci piring dan berniat untuk segera masak makan siang buat luna. tiba-tiba titan ambil alat pel. "bunda, di lantai atas sudah di pel belum?" "belum." kata saya. "i will help you on that" enggak lama kemudian, mulai terdengar dia geser-geser kotak mainan dan ngepel lantai. "terima kasih ya, titan bundanya sudah dibantuin. kalau dibantuin pekerjaan bunda jadi lebih cepat selesai (dan kita bisa main lebih cepat - lanjutannya but I kept it in my heart)" ... spesial untuk anak ini, berlaku hukum some things are better left unsaid. karena kalau terlalu jelas, titan suka malah jadi males. jadi kalau saya ingin dia bantu-bantu saya; harus agak tricky gitu deeeeh. enggak lama, titan datang sambil terengah-engah. "tangga juga sud

my jukebox

T: Nda, bunga bangkai tuh bau ya? B: Iya. Bau bangettt! T: Bangkainya bangkai apa? B: -__- T: Nda, we are living in a dome right? B: hmmm T: look at the sky, its like a dome. so we are living in a dome. just like a half-cut ball. B: it is not the way we should look at it. the earth itself is a sphere, and the sky is so wide and limitless that is why you see it like a dome. T: Bunda, I want to go to the moon. B: me too. but we should build a rocket to go to the moon. T: what? build a rocket? okay, there's a space in the backyard we can build the rocket there. B: no we can't. we have to go to florida, there is a rocket shuttle there. T: how to get there? B: uhm ... a bit hard. T: nothing is hard, you said. it is just we don't know how to do it. bilang aja Bunda enggak tau gimana kesananya. B: -__- T: Bunda, I want to see UFO. Why nobody ever seen it? B: some people did. at least, they think they have seen it. T: why can't we see it like we see aeroplanes? B: because they


The first time I celebrated my birthday was when I was nine years old. It took me quite sometime to convince my mother how I wanted to have a birthday bash. She felt reluctant in the first place. But for the sake of ‘please mom, I had never held a birthday party before and I want to celebrate like other kids did’, she granted my will but with term and conditions: only close friends, no clowns or any other party stars and a homemade birthday cake which was made of a box of Pondan. The party went well. We ended up playing pretend: a drum band, and my brother was the drummer with his DIY drum made of Styrofoam from the tv box we just bought a few days back. The birthday girl, of course, became the majorette. No goodie bags as well, that was the awkward moment when my friends queued as they were ready to get home. Funny, I remember my friends asking me few sensitive questions, like “did your mom make the cake?” with a face of why-does-it-taste-bad’s face. Or, “Errr… where’s my

tick tock

teman baik saya, farika, menulis tentang ini  persis dengan apa yang saya rasakan. begitu cepat anak-anak kita tumbuh tinggi, tumbuh besar dengan beribu pertanyaan yang terkadang terlontar dan entah berapa banyak lagi yang tersimpan. dengan rasa senang, kesal, kecewa, sedih, yang seringkali terucap tapi entah ada berapa banyak yang terlintas di benak mereka yang kita tidak tahu. sekitar tiga tahun yang lalu, cara dia bicara saja masih kacau. masih cadel. saya masih punya rekaman dia bercerita panjang lebar dengan kakeknya. iya, panjaaaang ... dan lebaaar ... dan lama. hanya untuk menjelaskan satu hal, karena terbata-bata dan berusaha sekali supaya kakeknya mengerti apa yang dikatakannya. tapi sekarang, malicca sudah bisa blogging. biar juga tanda baca masih ketinggalan di sana sini, kordinasi memori, logika dan tangan tiba-tiba sudah sempurna sekali. saya hampir lupa bagaimana saya mengajarkan malicca membaca, tahu-tahu sekarang dia sudah bisa membaca kalimat dalam dua bahasa. saya bah

The circle of life

Malicca is nearly 7 yet he asked me questions like adults. The past few weeks, he asked me lots and lots of philosophical questions like why did God create woman, why do we need to pray, why children cannot marry their parents and the newest question is about death. This is what happened two weeks ago. Right after he got back from the friday prayer with aki. I was nursing La Luna in the bed room when I saw the silhouette of my satellite in the window. He quickly got into the room with panting breath. "Bunda! Today is my first time! First time!!! My first time pray for the dead in the mosque! Kasihan deh, nda." "Wow, really? I never do that. Yet. How did it go?" "Ya Titan sholat aja ngikutin orang-orang." "Did you stand in front?" "No. At the back with aki." "Oh, I bet you could only see adult's feet. You were the only kid, I guess." "Yes, I was the only boy. Kasihan ya, Nda." Hmmmm *bunda pun menerawang jauh.* Th

the unplanned getaway

well, kembali mengusung tema 'the unplanned continues' untuk tahun 2014, inilah yang terjadi dengan short getaway saya dan keluarga weekend ini. bertepatan sama malicca yang lagi libur term 3, akhirnya kita berangkat ke rumah nini asih & aki mumu di pandeglang. tentunya, aki dan nini asli la luna dan malicca juga ikutan. the plan was, to have a night sleep over. ternyata, sampai sana nini asih lagi ikutan pengobatan alterlatif pijat refleksi. dan nini atty mau ikutan juga; padahal pengobatan itu enggak boleh keputus harus 3 hari berturut-turut. akhirnya, ... syalala la laaa... menginaplah kita di pandeglang dari hari kamis - minggu. maafkan karena kami sungguh merepotkan ya nini asih & aki mumu :'( and yes, we had so much fun! ini kali ke dua la luna main ke empang dan sawah milik nini asih & aki mumu. terakhir kita ke sana, 6 bulan yang lalu waktu luna umur 2 bulan dan masih anteng teng teng. sekarang mah ... hadeuuuh *pijet kepala, pijet boyok* mahluk