
Showing posts from August, 2015

Rum raisin chocolate

"Late, kan?" "Oh yup. Thanks. Masih inget aja."   Kataku basa-basi. I never like coffee, if only you ever knew. They make me tremble, so Late was the only coffee I could bear because two-third of the cup was only plain milk.   You gave me the cup and smiled. Ouch, that smile again. And those pockety-lack of sleep eyes hiding behind your spectacles. You said man should sleep lesser than a woman. And It meant a lot. It could mean they work harder. It could also mean they slept later so they could watch their woman sleep peacefully and secretly traces their wrinkles. Count their eye lashes. Kiss her goodnight, put a blanket on her and back to work. 'Till the dawn comes.  "Diminum, dong." "Oh, iya." Shite, why I was a bit nervous. Wait, ... a bit? I was nervous. Totally.  I held my cup tight and had a sip. But my lips never touched the Late. I prefered watched you sipped. Warmth slowly traces down my throat just by seeing you sippe

Diet? What diet?

Saat suami memutuskan untuk diet, maka itulah saatnya sang istri menderita kepusingan yang amat sangat. Pusing mikirin musti ngasih makan apa. Lima tahun yang lalu beratnya bubu masih ideal. Hasil dari sepedaan naik turun bukit kalo kuliah ditambah kelupaan makan karena deadline tugas-tugas dan analisa riset yang ditagih mulu sama profesornya. Sampe Jakarta, tingkat stres yang lebih besar dan kurang beraktivitas fisik bikin bubu melar abis-abisan. Belum lagi kalo ngantor naik ojek yang tinggal menclok. Beda dengan nyetir sendiri yang sebenernya masih memperkanankan adanya gerakan, mikir dan jalan dari parkiran ke tempat duduk di kantor. Tapi memang kondisi jalanan jakarta makin devilish aja setiap harinya. Trus lagi, bubu punya kebiasaan enggak bisa lihat makanan sisa. Katanya sih dulunya hidup susah, jadi kasian kalau liat makanan dibuang-buang. Akhirnya dimakanlah itu makanan kalau titan, luna dan aku enggak habis. And so the story goes, menggelembunglah badannya. Dua puluh ki

Just because

Alhamdulillah, minggu ini Titan mulai privat mengaji. Mainstream? Maybe. Cliche? Maybe. Rising a good child, guaranteed? Probably no. Heaven, guaranteed? Definitely no. But this is how I was raised, and I am thankful I was raised this way. Hopefully Titan is too.

Forgetting this, forgetting that. breaking this and breaking that.

A little note: Need to set up a good example. So from this moment, since my kid starts reading my blog too, I need to write with the correct spelling, punctuation and capitalisation. So help me God. Okay. Up to this moment, I am still observing what kind of type my kids are. Those who tend to avoid risks or those who has oriented with benefits. Surely two of the types need different approaches. But along the way, my children easily swifts from one to another. So I got confused in giving the right approach and I became inconsistent. That happens quite often. So, to us, while I am conveying myself what types my kids are, logical consequences still applies the best for them. There are always consequences behind our every actions. What is bothering me a lot these days are how careless Titan is. I wonder why I did not notice this back then. Well, maybe I had always thought he is a little boy and I needed to remind him over and over. But now he is eight and he is physically loo

Fridate with the girls

I am a mother goin' out with my mother.  Jumat kemarin, kita niat pergi agak jauh. Dharmawangsa Square. Well, waktu yang kurang tepat untuk jalan-jalan sih sebenarnya. You know, ... Jakarta's traffic on friday. Tapi karena mood lagi mendukung dan memang ada tujuan yang dicari, yaitu mencari tas sekolah buat kakak Titan yang sudah 3 tahun enggak diganti, akhirnya kita pergi juga walaupun harus menunggu taksi dari jam 11 dan baru dapat jam setengah dua. Seperti yang diperkirakan, ... macet. Saya lupa ada pembangunan fly over di depan Rumah Sakit Pertamina yang mengekor ke Sinabung dan Barito, rute perjalanan kami. Alhamdulillah, sampai dengan aman enggak pake nagging. Tentunya, berkat nenen sepanjang jalan dan si bocah tertidur pulas. Sebelumnya udah browsing-browsing sih, tas kaya apa yang bakalan dibeli. Titan memang sangat picky dengan semua outfit yang bakal dia pakai. Sebelumnya sudah ngubek-ngubek Gramedia, tapi enggak ada satu pun tas yang dia suka. Ada sih semp

hukuman mati

another chat while we had dinner today. "bunda, hukuman mati itu apa sih?"  "ehm..." *ambil minum hampir keselek. "hukuman mati itu, adalah keputusan hukum yang dibuat oleh sebuah negara untuk menghukum seseorang sampai meninggal. ada yang ditembak mati, ada yang disuntik obat, ada yang dimasukin kamar gas. pokoknya, kasarnya, dibunuh sebagai bentuk pertanggungjawaban atas kesalahan yang sudah dia lakukan.  "tapi kan membunuh orang itu enggak boleh." "kan tadi bunda bilang, ada negara yang membolehkan hal tersebut. kenapa, karena bentuk kesalahan yang dia lakukan sudah enggak termaafkan lagi." "kenapa enggak termaafkan? kan kita harus memaafkan?" "enggak termaafkan itu, biasanya kalau yang kita lakukan itu sudah terlanjur merusak hidup orang lain dan enggak bisa balik lagi."  "ya tapi tetep kita enggak boleh bunuh orang dan harus memaafkan."  "ya, itu ada benarnya juga sih nak."  *unt

#one page a day

Few months ago, a friend of mine which happened to be also a kindergarten teacher recommended this book. I have just finished reading it a few weeks ago. The content is not really new in parenting world we might have heard. But in my opinion, this is not the kind of book we read once and put it back on the shelves. We should solemnly read this book as everyday's reminder. Each chapter is not really linked to one another, and we can read only the chapter related to the kid's phase we are facing. I bought the book on

my own kind

how long has my kid gone to school? probably four and a half years. titan did not really attend a pre-school or other pre-kindie program. he was too busy at home playing with his grandpa from climbing a tree, feeding the pets or ride a bike. He started on tk kecil when he was 4 and moved to elementary school when he was 5 (in highscope, elementary starts on kindergarten). along his journey, as far as i remember, never at once i made such a bff relationship with other parents. until this year on grade 2. when did we get together? never from small talks. we started it for a support system of a worsen condition that day and we just clicked. we both have the same son and daughter of the same age. it has been a while since i last have chat with my own kind. i miss those nitty gritty running the house, talking about schools and courses, daily menus, chats about how we are not slim anymore where wrinkles and fatbelly have become our jewelleries that make us happy. those chats that no long