Flesh and Blood

Beberapa waktu yang lalu, semesta memperlihatkan aku sebuah fragmen kehidupan yang jarang-jarang aku temui. Saat itu, aku lagi menunggu taksi di sebuah gedung. Kira-kira jam tiga sore. Enggak lama, menepilah sebuah mobil Toyota Altis. Dari pintu supir, keluarlah seorang pria usia awal empat puluhan memakai kemeja tangan dan dasi. Sangat rapi. Dia keluar lalu membukakan pintu belakang. Dan keluarlah seorang anak laki-laki umur sembilan tahunan. Enggak lama, dari pintu yang sebelah lagi juga keluar anak laki-laki dengan wajah yang sangat mirip. “Oh, anak kembar” bathin aku. Keduanya membawa kotak alat musik. Yang satu membawa biola, yang satu lagi bisa aku tebak sedang membawa instrument tiup. Dari ukuran kotaknya sih kayanya flute atau clarinet. Di lantai atas, memang ada sekolah musik korea. Si ayah memperhatikan kedua anak sampai mereka benar-benar masuk ke dalam gedung Tak peduli udah diklaksonin mobil yang antri di belakangnya, si ayah benar-benar menunggu sampai kedua anak lelakinya hilang dari pandangan. Tak lama, ia pun melaju pergi.

Jam tiga sore, masih pakai baju kantor yang rapih. Dari tongkrongannya, level manager sih masuk lah. Kebayang hidupnya yang sibuk meeting sana sini, tapi masih sempat mengantar kedua anak kembarnya les musik. Yea, I know. Maybe it was one of his days. But who knows? Sosok ayah yang sangat memperhatikan anak-anaknya memang terbukti sangat ‘unyu’ di mata perempuan. Tepatnya, perempuan kaya aku :p

Masih menunggu taksi, lalu menepilah mobil berikutnya. Sebuah Alphard hitam. Dari pintu belakang, keluarlah perempuan cantik dengan potongan tubuh yang amat sangat langsing dan well-maintained. “Yummy mommy” bathin aku. Dan ternyata benar, nggak lama pintu supir pun terbuka lalu seorang mbak yang (maaf) tampak lusuh segera mengejar pintu pak supir. Ternyata, dari balik setir ada seorang bayi cowok kira-kira umur 8 bulan, kumel, duduk di pangkuan supir dan ikut menyetir sepanjang jalan. Lalu si Mbak segera menggendong si bayi sementara ibu majikannya udah jalan duluan entah kemana.

And I was like … taking a deep breath. Seriously, I felt envy and pathetic. Envy because of not every woman has the luxury to be a house wife and have most of their days being with their babies. And I felt pathetic because the lady passed me took her luxury for granted.

Why do people decided to have a kid in the first place? Is it because it is the next step after you got married, AND THAT’S IT? Is having a kid is like your achievement to be acknowledged as capable couple; as in financially capable and literally fertile? Is having a kid is one of the way to get your assurance, to have someone takes care of you in your old days? Or having a kid is to accompany you while you have no one beside you? For whatever reason, … can we set aside our selfish reasons?

Before we decided to have a kid, have we ever asked our self: are we strong enough to never quit and will never tired to do anything for them? Have we ever promised our future baby that we will never give up on them EVEN when we are broken? Did you ask yourself how powerful having a baby is to boost your life? Do you have the faith that your baby can be your magic pills?

Have you ever imagined, having a baby is like having a second chance for you? The chance when you are able to create a better life, a happier you, a better upbringing, a healthier you, a smarter you, a better you, and not a copy of you.

Maybe you are wondering why I am making a fuss about this topic. No, I'm not judging why you have kids and how you raise them. The thing is, I see people out there took granted for their kids. In the sense of, how a lovely kid is not enough to be their magic pill to keep them moving and striving the world. The cry of a baby can’t alarm and wake them up from their ego-maniac sleep. And to you, every single husband in the world, your task is actually only one: that is to make your wife, the mother of your kids, to be happy. Happy mom happy family.


  1. Really taken into my deep consideration.

  2. Ooooowh, ... no bad intention yah Lia :) *hugs


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