About Us

to titan and la luna.

i want to tell you a little story about the love bubu and I have. neither the sweetest nor the coolest love tale you will ever known, but i hope it can give you two a little up when you are feeling down.

if ever someone asked me, your mom, how much i love your bubu; i would say ... i do. though i found it hard to express my love for him, but i do. though i found it hard to remember when i have thought of him, but i still do. and i know he loves me too.

our love does not come in a form of fancy dinner or having a wefie in instagram. our love does not go through a journey in the background of a beautiful landscape. our love does not told in a long scripted messages through whatsapp or a bombastic 'nocturnal' activity. neither a fancy birthday gifts, surprise parties, big feasts, "have a nice day or lunch or dinner or meeting" texts.

our love just come in a more humble and reachable way. like late-at-night-wake-ups to bring a glass of water when I or him caught a cough. comes in an always-alert sleeping and woken up just to feel one of us is moving though it was just a little bit. comes in an acceptance of the surround snores. comes in a lunch box he brings to work everyday and eats whatever inside. comes in a working so hard he hardly cut his nails and I did it for him when he was asleep.

boring as it may sound, but if you two ever experience this feelings; you two will know how comforting it is. though sometimes i think bubu does not need a wife. he cooks, he plants, he repairs, he builds, he works, he can take care of himself, and these make me learn a lot from him.

when you know you are loved by someone who can enjoy life by himself, you know you can live with him and love life together. 

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