a quality time

i think, every child needs to have a quality time just with their mom or dad.
titan has the fridate with his ayah. like the name, it happens every friday. luna has it (almost) every morning, taking shower with her bubu and she has it all day with me.

now, what about titan and me?

it has been months since la luna joined the get-kakak-to-school thingy. both sat in the car, watch some movies and voila, kakak gets to reach the school. but then i thought that it was not all good, because i did not have the time to 'recharge' malicca about the good things getting to school and all about the good things keeping the lessons handy. he would only be busy with the movie , since it is also what will make la luna to stay-put in the car seat. no time for warming up and pre-condition about school time.

this term, i changed my method. taking titan to school and pick him up from school, will be our quality time.  i get the chance to opened-up his door and stood on his level. i get the chance to tidy up his collar and say "stay focus to your lessons and have fun with your friends." i also get the chance taking him to the class, watch him put his things in the locker and said "see you soon." i also get the chance talking about everything and have a laugh together.

yes, i feel better. i think he does too.

maybe this is one of the thing we need to consider when we are adding-up numbers for our child. not only the money, but also the time we can afford for them.

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