Knalpot UFO

Kejadian ini terjadi saat aku lagi anterin Titan ke sekolah naik ojek pagi ini.
Tiba-tiba dia tanya:

T: Nda, UFO itu ada knalpotnya nggak?
Me: Ada (being sok tau)
T: Dimananya? Di bawahnya kan pintu masuk. Di samping-sampingnya, gitu? Kecil-kecil di sekeliling UFO-nya? 
Me: Hmm... nanti bunda cari tahu dulu deh
T: Nanti kalau udah tahu, telfon Titan ya Nda!
Me: hmmm (mikir)

A few hours later, I called him from the office.

Me: Titan, aku belum nemu knalpot UFO-nya niy... jadi belum bisa jawab. 
T: Nggak papa, nanti kalau udah ada telfon lagi ya.
Me: Iya, bunda cari terus lagi yah. 
T: Iya. Dadaaaaah

Oh, ... how empathetic a 4 years old son can be? I said to myself. And this is what I love about having kids, little people to grow with. They give reasons to catch up with things I'd never thought I need to know.

After a few hours of Googling and you tube-ing, I finally found that UFO is predicted to have exhaust pipe although it is not like the one we know. Yes, it was not literally mentioned but we can see it from the TR-3B diagram. 

Here are the links on how do UFOs operate and the anti-gravity system

Oh, I really need a cotton candy atta moment!

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