i, me and myself

can you imagine living in denial? that you will not be able to sleep, to eat, to think, because of things that keep lingering at the back of your head. and your heart, of course. everything becomes wrong. totally wrong. you are wrong, people are wrong.

and have you ever betrayed yourself? and do you have an idea of how it feels? that you would curse yourself and you will wish that you would rather die for you have no more reasons to live. that you could not even stare at your own eyes because they can see what you feel. and you would rather be blind, for you do not want to see the truth.

have you ever been deaf, that you could not even hear what your heart tells you?
and you start asking yourself what the hell are you doing in here and start asking what ifs.

isn't it just nice if you can make peace with yourself? therefore you can make peace in this universe.
