Answers Unquestioned

If someday you ask me a question about life
I can say you don’t have to wait until next time
Cause I can answer it now

If you someday ask me a question about love
Let me whisper in your ear a thing you don’t want to hear
And I can whisper it right here

That I do not know
And will never know
‘Cause it’s your life, and it’s your love
It’s you and only you to decide

If I answer it differently
It will only be a lie
And if I answer it properly
Would it lessen why?

No, that is not what I think
Cause life keeps changing
Where inconsistency is a thing
That makes you a living

If you ask me about life in question
I would ask you back in gently:
What’s with answers unquestioned?

For Titan, my satelite



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