
When do you feel beautiful the most? Or when do you feel your girl partner is beautiful the most?

iQbaL: when she tells a truth

Indul: when he says so....??

Ayu'99: bangun tidur, rambutnya alami... jadi banget (brantakannya)

radicalous: when she's with us. the husband and the daughter.

PapaBear: my girls partner is beautiful when I'm "beautiful" to her, if it's something about relationship, it's will valid, why? coz relationship is equal.....

ici_cuit: i feel beautiful the most especially when i'm helping someone and that person smile at me

Djokolelono: when she is sleeping peacefully beside me, with a shadow of a smile from her dream, and her hands still holding me, trusting me.

Jaja: the morning she woke up for our wedding day (even before the makeup)

gitabaik: when i make good deed.

sarah_siahaan: setelah keluar dari salon gue selalu merasa lebih cantik .. efek rambut memang luar biasa, krn kl lg bad hair day, mood gue bisa jelek bgt seharian

lucycakepdeh: I feel beautiful the most : waktu bangun di pagi hari dengan rambut kusut, blom sikat gigi n cuci muka... aku dengar suara suamiku bilang " Met pagi cantik!"

Iman: nemuin gw (msh ngantuk2 gt, bangun tdr cmn cuci muka doang) pas gw samperin ke rumahnya...

alfarani: when I dress up matched , especially if I wear my jilbab nicely... hehee...

jagoan_tembem: kalo abis berbuat sesuatu yg baik (ke org lain/binatang/tumbuhan)

anti: when i wake up

v_heni75: when i'm falling in love, I feel the beauty around me cause my heart is showered by love

apipfs: when she smile at me and say nothin' at all

man_from_crypton: when my wife slept

bellamia2229: Every time after taking a shower...

si_atm95: when someone says : "aku sayang sama kamu"

paulus_gumilang: my girl looks beautiful when she's sleeping without any clothes on

k4mil: abis dari salon.. terlihat seperti bukan aku..

tatnja: when someone came up to me and say "you look beautiful (today)"

ninoad99:every time she smiles at me.

f_rezina: when my luv sms me with no reason & said "met siang istriku yang cantiiik.."

Kresno Putro Deddy Mahyarto: when she smiles

Kalo kataku: waktu aku hamil


  1. I feel beautiful every time I look in the mirror
    *hihihi..narsis skalei"

    hai wullie..aku link juga yah :D

  2. are you pregnant now?
    buat aku semua perempuan itu cantik.
    apalagi kalo pake jilbab.
    cantik banget.
    pengen deh sebenernya pake...ajarin dong Ri, specially ttg konsistensinya.
    abis, aku masih suka kadang2 pakenya...

  3. OCA:
    I was, Ca ... doain yah biar cepet-cepet dapet lagih :D

    Konsistensi? Hajar aja, Caaaaa... jangan terlalu banyak dipikirin nanti gini atau gitu, Insya Allah kalo udah pake asik kok. Rasanya nyaman, ... aman :)


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